Leonhards Latkovskis, Ph.D (Leonard Latkovski, Jr.) is an historian and an internationally recognized expert on the history of Latgale and the Latvian Catholic Church.

A native of Latvia, he emigrated with his family after World War II to the United States where he has lived since 1950. He earned an M.A.in the History of Russia and Eastern Europe and a Ph. D. in Russian History from Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. A long-time faculty member of Hood College, Frederick, Maryland, U.S.A., he presently holds the position of Professor of History and International Studies.

His research covers a broad range of subjects on Soviet and Baltic history, concentrating on Latvia and Latgale and he is the author of more than forty scholarly papers and publications. He is an expert on religion in the Soviet Union based on both research and direct experience and has participated in many scholarly national and international conferences on history, language, national minorities and area studies.

His research on the Soviet Gulag includes the authorship of Baltic Prisoners in the Gulag Revolts. He compiled and edited the work, Essays on Religion, Faith and Values, which is a collection of writings on religious themes by his father, the linguist and scholar Leonard Latkovski, Sr. (1905-1991) He is the author of the biography of his father contained in this volume as well as the author of the biography of Helena Latkovski Wojtuskiewicz, in her memoir I Have Lived through Hell on Earth-Sixteen Years in Siberia. He is a consultant and editor for various historical publications including the Dictionary of Historic Documents by George Kohn.

He serves as Director of the Latgale Research Center, and is the host of a specialized Internet Web site on the history and culture of Latgale. He is also President of the Maryland –Baltic Education and Business Consortium and a board member of the Baltic Institute.

A prominent commentator in the public media in America, Latvia and Russia, he has given frequent newspaper press, and radio and television interviews on Latvian, Soviet Communist and Russian history and contemporary events.

He resides in Frederick, Maryland with his family.